Friday, March 16, 2012

Two Toed Sloth

two-toed sloth

Local Costa Rican Indians

After hiking several hours into the rainforest we were able to go into this Chivripo Indian home - normally very reserved and shy people we were invited into their home.  We brought several loaves of Pan.

Goble, Goble, Goble

Poisoness Tree

Local Snake Expert

Can You Spot the Poisons Snake?


We encountered many poisons snakes!!

Hollywood Tree Frog

This Green Tree Frog is a famous Hollywood star. He is in most of the Tree Frog photos and documentaries that you see!

Oranges? Yes or No?


Wild Food

There are a lot of wild berries that are really yummy that you can eat in the rainforest!

The lowland rainforest we were shown other plants that you could eat! Like one that tasted a lot like milk. The Milk Tree.

Idoit Abroad

It was so funny when we first came to the rainforest primative wilderness campsite I loved it and dad liked it too but... For him it was freezing, and a little.. uncomfortable.. Lol!! It was so funny his reaction to the lack of electricy and the looks on his face about no showers (there ended being a single shower for the whole camp site), internet, air conditioning, or lights! His words later in the night when he was trying to go asleep were "o'boy o'boy o'boy" over and over because of all the sounds of nature and everything! I can not get across the point of how funny he was. ROTFL! LOL! I was laughing so hard I could not breath! I could not stop laughing it was so funny. He sounded almost like that guy from idoit abroad but he was not really complaining.

I found out later that my dad did not know that the showers had hot water. So when he took a shower he was taking it in cold water. But the funny part was that I was taking HOT showers and I was going after him! LOL! There was only one night in another hotel were the hot water did not work for one night. But dad went four nights the whole without hot water. lol! it was funny!!

Moving to Costa Rica

I am thinking about coming here one year to do a film or documentary. Maybe some volunteer work, out a wild life adventure. Our guide, Tito his wife is in charge  of a lot study abroad and volunteer programs.

Morning Camp Pictures

I feel at home here and am really warm defiantly with all the hot blankets provided but my dad is cold!

Costa Rican Fiends

Some of the Costa Rican Friends we have made.
More pictures to come!

Roger was with us for part of the trip. He use to be a local Bush Man, in that time him and his family complete lived off the land using the Rainforest for everything they needed. Therefore he knew a ton about the lowland RainForests.

He knew a lot of about snake. A true snake expert that could tell you anything you needed know about poisons snakes in Costa Rica. He studied two affects that snakes are having. One was the dehydration of certain species of snake because of weather conditions and the other was the over population of snakes in plantations.

Carlos as lived with local Costa Rican Indians for years. He was out guide through the cloud forest and allowed us to meet the Indians.

The whole group! Tito was our main guide and was with us the whole time. The other Serendipity employe (the one next to Van) was a helper for that day. He was only with us once and when we went on a hike he would watch the car as well as drive it to the location that we were coming to.

Starbucks Anyone?

Costa Rican coffee! Starstruck buys 80% of it.