Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sounds of Costa Rica

Enjoy the many nature sounds of Costa Rica!

Kyle in the Jungle


Watch Out For That Tree!


Oh well! Here we go again!

Milk Tree

This tree produces a milk like substance that tastes very much like milk from a cow.

Costa Rica Interesting Fact #1:

Costa Rica hosts more than 5% of the world’s biodiversity even though its landmass only takes up .03% of the planet's surface. There are more than:

  130 species of freshwater fish 
  160 species of amphibians 
  208 species of mammals 
  220 species of reptiles 
  850 species of birds 
 1,000 species of butterflies 
 1,200 varieties of orchids 
 9,000 species of plants 
 34,000 species of insects 
 and still counting as new species are discovered every day 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cano Negro - Río Frío (Cold River)

Río Frío (Cold River), a slow-flowing river one can spot birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. There are howler, spider and white-faced monkeys, three-toed sloth, caimans, turtles, crocodiles, Jesus Christ Lizards, and freshwater sharks.

Social Caterpillars

You want to be very careful about separating the caterpillars from each other because by themselves they will be a tasty meal for other animals.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Captain Hook's Crocodile

Serendipity Adventures Costa Rica

This is the company we used for our private custom Costa Rica Adventure!
Shhh... It is a Secret...


Serpentario Viborana

While in Costa Rica you have to visit this amazing snake exhibit, Serpentario Viborana. Where much research is going on about the over population and dehydration of certain snakes.  

For more awesome photos and information about snakes in Costa Rica visit Facebook!

Costa Rica is one of the safest places in the world to be bitten by a poisons snake because they have some of the best snake bit antidotes in the world for their snakes.

See Previous Post for our pictures from our visit

Hollywood Tree Frog
Local Snake Expert
Can You Spot the Poisons Snake?

Also check out future posts with more pictures and also our videos!

Costa Rice Slideshow Vacation

Friday, March 23, 2012

Howler Monkey

Serendipity Adventures Costa Rica
More Photos and Costa Rica


The sounds of a Howler Monkey!
Go to YouTube for more awesome Sounds! And Video! Of the Black Howler Monkey!

Howler Monkeys are some of Costa Rica's loudest inhabitants. They can be heard for 3-4 miles.  They are herbivorous and eat mostly leaves, fruit and flowers.

More White Water Rafting Shots

Taken at Pacuare River!

Swimming in the river!

White Water Rafting!!

Down the Pacuare River

 Lunch Break!

 Relaxing in the gorge before the next rapids.


Short hike from the river.
It was a Powerful waterfall!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


My dad was able to catch really good close up images of monkeys! I think this monkey is known as the White-Faced Monkey I believe.

Golden 21!

Washington D.C

"Happy Birthday, Kyle! Chrissy and I had pizza and calzones in your honor at Vapiano's in downtown Bethesda, MD."

Thank You!

Haha! It is a new form of communicating! Blog conversation!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Walks on Water

This Lizard is nicked named the Jesus Christ Lizard because it is able to walk on water or more so run on water.

There is goes! It looks really funny! We were unable to catch our own video of the lizard walking on water.

Costa Rica Movie Trailer

Costa Rica Slideshow

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mountain Biking Trip

Biking north of Turrialba

You Can Do It!!



Just Can't Get Enough

And More Canyoning


Van rappelling down the waterfall!

At one point you went inside the waterfall and you could not see a thing because of all the water.

Saturday we rappelled down waterfalls near Turrialba - What a blast!

New Best Friend

 The Tree Frog was our new best friend!


Bananas! The locals eat small bananas that taste different then the ones we eat. They export the other kinds of bananas.

At the fruit stand! There were a lot of these that we could stop at to buy fruit!

The pineapples were really good! They had huge pineapple farms!!

The watermelon was really yummy! I could not get enough of it! 

First Breakfast

Van and I at our first morning Costa Rican Breakfast!

HorseBack Riding

Horseback ridding across the stream we had to cross a bigger river that was deeper before! 

Van's horse stood out really well in the camera!

Our horses! At one point they tried to race each other!

Washington D.C

Our Vice-President Brent was unable to travel with us to Costa Rica because he had a great trip planed to explore and have adventures in the capital of the United States. Hopefully soon he will find time to tell us his stories of the capital city.


In Costa Rica they have a smaller monument just like the one in Washington D.C

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lunch in a Tree

Scared of heights?

They had a elevator like lifter, but they also had a system where you had to use your legs like a stair stepper. That is what dad and I used, it was really difficult.

In the Jungle, the Wild Jungle

Hiking in the lowland rainforest.


Barely survied the jungle.
On the last day, Saturday, We went mountain biking and on the last 200 meters of the ride we were going down hill on a rocky road and I lost control and fell. I had to go to the hospital.